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profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

Democrat Political Figure from Ohio, 7

Notable statements

profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
This is only one step. While it is big, congress needs to protect peoples privacy in all aspects. Currently Chase sells our debit and credit card data to advertisers. There is not much difference from a CBDC looking at your spending and Chase doing it. Protect Our Privacy…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @_CryptoCurator: It's competition time. Let's see who's Crystal Ball is working! @MatthewDiemer challenges me to guess the price of $BTC…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
@Z0M8I3D @CalebFranzen @_CryptoCurator @BitcoinliveDB @PurpleSuede22 @ger313 Every cycle there is a sector or innovation that drives the bull. ICO, NFTs…etc. this one might be ETH layer 1 competition &/or ETF, BRC 20. There is
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
@ernestocontrer @twobitidiot Sherrod is a good guy. Very supportive of my campaign. My hope is that he will pass crypto legislation to move forward the industry and make sure USA & Ohio focused innovation is not stifled.
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @coinbase: It's time to build up a strong crypto industry right here in the US. Know who gets that? The great state spelled O-H-I-O. h…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @Wachsman_: Check out @coinroutes CEO @daveweisberger1 discuss the risk of additional bank failure fallout while the crypto market bounc…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @gmdecrypt: gm! Today's episode: - @MatthewDiemer tries Manifold - 3AC liquidator is selling off NFTs including Art Blocks, CryptoPunks,…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @decryptmedia: From the @gmdecrypt podcast: @readDanwrite @stacyannj and @MatthewDiemer gazed into the crypto crystal ball to make some…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
My one take away from the House and Senate hearings on digital assets is that they both are not taking responsibility It has always been legislators responsibility to make frameworks for how digital assets operate in the USA For years legislators & regulators failed to act
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
@Jason I mean he is obviously launching an algorithmic stable coin that is over collateralized by bitcoin and a token economy to go with it.
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
@_CryptoCurator @JohnRobertsAL @FriendsOfCasey @RepBarryMoore @AarikaRhodes @jfchen @JackAchenbach @taylorwburks @iLoveJaneAdams If you need to make a law to force congress to disclose their crypto holdings as well… then maybe we are electing the wrong people
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
Do kwon should be investigated #LUNA 2.0 shouldn’t be allowed to happen The self regulation of the crypto space obviously isn’t working
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @decryptmedia: "We have a conservative Republican, a progressive Democrat, and a moderate Democrat on the same stage, unified by crypto…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @_CryptoCurator: I enjoyed listening to @TheMichaelBlank podcast with @MatthewDiemer - give it a listen and a review :) #Bitcoin https…
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profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
@derekmross @JohnFetterman @AarikaRhodes He should. The more Dems that add #Bitcoin donations shows that this is not a partisan issue.
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @FTX_Official: We're giving some #bitcoin away! How much? $1 million worth?! $1.5 million worth?!!?! We don't actually know yet. The l…
Very pro-crypto
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
@KingJames @LJFamFoundation @cryptocom I have been educating in #bitcoin since 2017 This is one reason I am running for congress. To make sure Ohioans are not left behind in tech, innovation and jobs! Good Work @KingJames
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
@dpakman David. My name is Matthew Diemer a Democrat running for congress. I would love to come on and chat crypto the committee and regulation talks and accepting crypto in campaigns
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @readDanwrite: Ohio's own @MatthewDiemer and I talked crypto market bloodbath, THE FED, Peloton, Twitter's NFT feature, NFT hatred, and…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @danielmarans: Belatedly, excellent @daveweigel read on the small group of Democratic electeds and candidates embracing cryptocurrency,…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @SBF_FTX: 1) I've written a bunch about FTX's roadmap. But I haven't written much about crypto's. So, here goes.…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
America has always been at the forefront of innovation, so why are some Congresspeople fighting against #bitcoin?
Very pro-crypto
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
We need Congresspeople who are willing to embrace new technologies now, and in the future: I am committed to developments that can fundamentally help people. That means #bitcoin, that means alternative energies, that means #ElectricVehicles
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
Today, we have the technology to make the #Vote totally transparent via #OpenSource and #Decentralized blockchains, while maintaining vote anonymity. But that can only happen if we have a Congressperson who is willing to push for it. (Me)
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
Congress has the easy choice: clearly defined frameworks that promote innovation and create new jobs, or leaving an undefined framework that leaves new companies navigating a regulatory minefield. #Bitcoin #Stablecoin
Very pro-crypto
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @_CryptoCurator: Interesting... I hope that Crypto investor support Crypto Candidates in 2022 and 2024! @HODLpac @MatthewDiemer @Aarik…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
With unchecked inflation, saving your money should be so much easier to do, and #Bitcoin makes that possible.
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
#Bitcoin is a key industry that can still find its home in Ohio. I want policy that fosters innovation in this still-emerging industry.
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
Traditional finance suffers universally from human greed, but this problem is solved by #DeFi and #OpenSource decentralized systems which cannot be tampered with.
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
Politics and #Bitcoin are going to collide soon enough, and I need to be in Congress when that happens so we can make sure the industry thrives.
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
#Bitcoin can help us make #BetterMoney. That means more accessibility, more equanimity, more utility.
Very pro-crypto
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
#Bitcoin can offer #DeFi, or Decentralized Finance. It makes traditional financial services like loans, investment, and banking much more accessible since anyone can do it. But what is access? (1/3)
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
That's what #DeFi and I are all about: Access to financial services that traditional systems don't enable for everyone. (3/3)
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @b05crypto: Hey folks, I just gave $500 to @MatthewDiemer to keep crypto free. Your turn! We must elect pro crypto people to Congres…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
Politicians are trying to politicize $BTC because of who is currently #HODLing it, but do any of the politicians who treat it so harshly even own any #Bitcoin ? Here's how a veteran of this space sees it: (1/3)
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
Most politicians currently holding #Bitcoin are Republicans, and it's come under scrutiny from Democrats. But is there really an ideological divide based on Bitcoin's merits? Or is it more of "If they like it, I don't like it" nonsense? (3/3)
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
#Bitcoin is politically agnostic. We cannot let no-coin politicians demonize bitcoin because of who currently holds it, or ride on its coattails to office just to leave it at the door. Everyone should be invited to the table to determine its future.
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
.@BibbForCLE #Bitcoin and the industries around Bitcoin are going to bring new jobs to any city embraces it. I hope you chat with @ericadamsfornyc & @FrancisSuarez and capture innovation for #CLE…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
What were your tech euphoria moments? Mine... 1. Sending & Receiving #Bitcoin 2. Oculus 3. Understanding how a blockchain works 4. @Tesla Super Charging 5. Space X launches & landings 6. Hubble Telescope Pictures…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
What questions do you have for me about crypto, bitcoin and government? Ask them below and I’ll answer in video format
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
The @TheEconomist is auctioning an #NFT. Current bid 7+ $ETH We are witnessing a wave of adoption of new tech
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @MatthewDiemer: We need people in Washington that understand #bitcoin and #blockchain to create a framework that fosters growth in this…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @BitcoinCLE: Thank you @MatthewDiemer for the #Bitcoin donation. Will go toward next meetup!!! #LightningNetwork ⚡️…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
As a advocate for bitcoin and this industry and as a Democrat running for congress, I’ll do everything in my power to support this new industry. The prosperity of our country depends on it.
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @davelevinthal: 🪙Cryptocurrency in politics: few regulations, many unknowns. Among the innovators: @AndrewYang @DigitalChamber @Perian…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @SwanBitcoin: Bitcoin and Politics - Swan Signal Live E67 with @MatthewDiemer and @IanCalderon - Watch the stream and join the live chat…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
Hey #Bitcoin Fam - Over the past 5 years, I’ve been fortunate enough to educate and onboard thousands of people into #BTC community Tonight, I’m asking for your help. Let’s send a BTC HODLer to Congress. If you’re in a position to contribute, please hit the link below. TIA - MD
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
Crypto is still in it’s infancy. To put it bluntly, the unimaginable innovation that’s coming means jobs and wealth for hardworking Americans for decades to come. As a country, we can either lead, or we can fall way behind. Let’s not screw this up.
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
Good job @playbookdc for covering #Crypto #Bitcoin on your deep dive. However, you should have highlighted that there are congressional pro crypto innovation candidates
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
Banks should pay you interest on your savings If they don’t we should allow competition to tradition banks That’s the tweet #DeFi
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @Dennis_Porter_: Episode with @MatthewDiemer is out on @SmartPeopleShit Matthew is a bitcoin hodler and he is running for Congress in O…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
We need people in Washington that understand #bitcoin and #blockchain to create a framework that fosters growth in this emerging, exciting, and vibrant industry I’m your guy
Neutral on crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
RT @readDanwrite: one of our biggest aims at @decryptmedia is to explain crypto news in clear language to people of every understanding lev…
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
@redpillblue1 @thefetztizzle @GoingParabolic @APompliano @DocumentingBTC @michael_saylor @VisionCryptoApp @428Athletics #Bitcoin
Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Matthew Diemer

Matthew Diemer

@MatthewDiemer logo
Crypto has the power to radically alter how our economy works for average Americans. Blockchain and NFT technology can help in everything from voting to hospital records. We need leaders in Congress who will recognize this potential, not quash it
Very pro-crypto